Friday, October 21, 2011


Our washer decided to quit a few weeks ago.  It started the spin process and sounded terribly loud.  I thought that maybe it would be a lot to fix or unable to fix because our washer is so old!! Well, I was able to get the name of someone in our church and he came out, thought he found the problem in 5 minutes, and said he would buy the part and put it in the next day.  He put in the $27 part and it worked!! However, I started to do laundry and it smelled REALLY bad like a belt was burning.  THEN it squealed during the wash process. I was so nervous.  So I let the repairman know about the smell and he thought it would go away.  Well, after 5 loads the smell is better (still there), and the squeal is gone (for now). :)  All that to say, so thankful that it was not too much to fix!! Although, I was excited to maybe get a new high efficiency, low water washer. :)  We didn't really have the money for this, so just another thing to be thankful for--the blessings that God gives me!! What a cheap fix for now! :)

 My Happy Washer (as of now) :)

1 comment:

  1. You should take a picture of the happy socks that got washed soon after. Thanks Tommy for fixing it!
